
Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Temporary Farewell To Josie/Applez

The own creator of this fashion blog is quitting for a little while.  As sad as this is, he feels like he needs to be away from Ameba Pico.  He's having some emotional issues and thinks he'll get better if he stays away from Pico.  We'll all miss him dearly because he was a great friend.  I feel like I won't be able to handle the blog without Josie since he was the creator of it, so I'll be taking a break from the blog.  Any readers of the Pico's Passion for Fashion blog can continue reading my own blog Pico Forever blog because I'll still be working on that.

Thank you all for keeping up with our fashion advice on this blog.  Josie said he'll probably be back in 2 months or so.  We'll all miss you Josie.  Take care<3

Monday, July 9, 2012

Accessories Make a Difference

    I was really interested in the Anemone bracelet.  It's the blue flower bracelet from the new Anemone Room.  The bracelet was just so pretty that I had to find an outfit to match it.  After searching and trying things for about half an hour, I was about to give up.  I told my friend about my little dilemma and he laughed at me.  He said, "That little blue thing?"  What he said made me realize that it isn't as little as it seems.  Technically, it is little, but metaphorically, it can be considered big.

    Accessories can make a big impact on an outfit.  Even though accessories seem like little things, they're like the icing on a cake.  Accessories add the finishing touches to an outfit.  In real life, I could never leave the house without jewelry on.  I would feel naked without them!  Here are some outfits that I put together with some accessories that completed them:

Remember though, you never want to over do it.  Too many accessories could take over your outfit or look like too much is going on.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Outrageous Pico Prices!

     As usual, I check the information window as soon as I get on Pico to check for any new things.  When I saw the new information for about Pico prices of things being adjusted, I thought they were finally going to lower certain prices!  I was absolutely wrong.  Everything is extremely high!  I was freaking out going on a rampage yelling how expensive everything was.  I kept yelling, "OUTRAGEOUS! OUTRAGEOUS!" because it was true!  Everything was outrageous.  Things that were originally 1,000 Gummies, were now up to 3,000 Gummies, and things that could once be bought with Tokens can only be bought with Ameba Gold now!

(Here is the link for the information: http://info.pico.ameba.net/2012/06/26/notice-price-adjustment-in-pico-world/)

    I went around Pico looking for clothing items that have changed.  At first, I already thought some prices were too high, now they've just sky rocketed!  Almost all the prices have tripled!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Some Beach Outfit Ideas

    When you go to the beach, you don't just go there in a bathing suit.  There are those that wear an outfit to just sit on the beach to relax.  These outfits can also be great ideas for your Pico when you're in fashion show game.  Sometimes, the theme could be "beach", and simply wearing a bathing suit isn't going to be a likely chance you'll win.  You need something more original.  Here are some ideas of some outfits that you can wear to the beach:

Monday, June 18, 2012

New Group

Hey guys! Loofah and I just decided to make a new group after our blog name! It's gonna be fun. Make sure you check out our Facebook page Here!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Passion For Fashion Headquarters!

Hi guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have just assembled Passion For Fashion's HQ (Headquarters).
Here's a pic!
Visit my room! Search : secretagentbob

Monday, June 4, 2012

Now That's What I Call Prom

    Finally, Pico has come out with better Prom clothing.  I'm glad that there was much more than what they started off with.  Pico brought back some old dresses/suits and included new ones.  Let's go through them~

I really like those frilly dresses because they remind me of being a child again [:

The three pairs of shoes look a lot like Cinderella's glass slippers...

I'm not sure, but weren't the three pairs of shoes at the top left corner worth only a token last year?