
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Outrageous Pico Prices!

     As usual, I check the information window as soon as I get on Pico to check for any new things.  When I saw the new information for about Pico prices of things being adjusted, I thought they were finally going to lower certain prices!  I was absolutely wrong.  Everything is extremely high!  I was freaking out going on a rampage yelling how expensive everything was.  I kept yelling, "OUTRAGEOUS! OUTRAGEOUS!" because it was true!  Everything was outrageous.  Things that were originally 1,000 Gummies, were now up to 3,000 Gummies, and things that could once be bought with Tokens can only be bought with Ameba Gold now!

(Here is the link for the information: http://info.pico.ameba.net/2012/06/26/notice-price-adjustment-in-pico-world/)

    I went around Pico looking for clothing items that have changed.  At first, I already thought some prices were too high, now they've just sky rocketed!  Almost all the prices have tripled!

1 comment:

  1. omg
    lol though I think the prices are pretty cheap; everyone was hacking gummies or cheating the game for gummies. I am against hacking and I think hacking and cheating could also be part of why ameba pico shut down.

