The own creator of this fashion blog is quitting for a little while. As sad as this is, he feels like he needs to be away from Ameba Pico. He's having some emotional issues and thinks he'll get better if he stays away from Pico. We'll all miss him dearly because he was a great friend. I feel like I won't be able to handle the blog without Josie since he was the creator of it, so I'll be taking a break from the blog. Any readers of the Pico's Passion for Fashion blog can continue reading my own blog Pico Forever blog because I'll still be working on that.
Thank you all for keeping up with our fashion advice on this blog. Josie said he'll probably be back in 2 months or so. We'll all miss you Josie. Take care<3
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Accessories Make a Difference
I was really interested in the Anemone bracelet. It's the blue flower bracelet from the new Anemone Room. The bracelet was just so pretty that I had to find an outfit to match it. After searching and trying things for about half an hour, I was about to give up. I told my friend about my little dilemma and he laughed at me. He said, "That little blue thing?" What he said made me realize that it isn't as little as it seems. Technically, it is little, but metaphorically, it can be considered big.
Accessories can make a big impact on an outfit. Even though accessories seem like little things, they're like the icing on a cake. Accessories add the finishing touches to an outfit. In real life, I could never leave the house without jewelry on. I would feel naked without them! Here are some outfits that I put together with some accessories that completed them:
Remember though, you never want to over do it. Too many accessories could take over your outfit or look like too much is going on.
Accessories can make a big impact on an outfit. Even though accessories seem like little things, they're like the icing on a cake. Accessories add the finishing touches to an outfit. In real life, I could never leave the house without jewelry on. I would feel naked without them! Here are some outfits that I put together with some accessories that completed them:
Remember though, you never want to over do it. Too many accessories could take over your outfit or look like too much is going on.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Outrageous Pico Prices!
As usual, I check the information window as soon as I get on Pico to
check for any new things. When I saw the new information for about Pico
prices of things being adjusted, I thought they were finally going to
lower certain prices! I was absolutely wrong. Everything is extremely
high! I was freaking out going on a rampage yelling how expensive
everything was. I kept yelling, "OUTRAGEOUS! OUTRAGEOUS!" because it
was true! Everything was outrageous. Things that were originally 1,000
Gummies, were now up to 3,000 Gummies, and things that could once be
bought with Tokens can only be bought with Ameba Gold now!
(Here is the link for the information:
I went around Pico looking for clothing items that have changed. At first, I already thought some prices were too high, now they've just sky rocketed! Almost all the prices have tripled!
(Here is the link for the information:
I went around Pico looking for clothing items that have changed. At first, I already thought some prices were too high, now they've just sky rocketed! Almost all the prices have tripled!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Some Beach Outfit Ideas
When you go to the beach, you don't just go there in a bathing suit. There are those that wear an outfit to just sit on the beach to relax. These outfits can also be great ideas for your Pico when you're in fashion show game. Sometimes, the theme could be "beach", and simply wearing a bathing suit isn't going to be a likely chance you'll win. You need something more original. Here are some ideas of some outfits that you can wear to the beach:
Monday, June 18, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Passion For Fashion Headquarters!
Hi guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have just assembled Passion For Fashion's HQ (Headquarters).
Here's a pic!
Visit my room! Search : secretagentbob
Here's a pic!
Visit my room! Search : secretagentbob
Monday, June 4, 2012
Now That's What I Call Prom
Finally, Pico has come out with better Prom clothing. I'm glad that
there was much more than what they started off with. Pico brought back
some old dresses/suits and included new ones. Let's go through them~
I really like those frilly dresses because they remind me of being a child again [: |
The three pairs of shoes look a lot like Cinderella's glass slippers... |
I'm not sure, but weren't the three pairs of shoes at the top left corner worth only a token last year? |
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Okay, everybody, put down your torches and pitchforks, and get rid of
the alliances! After many days of constant arguing about the
Anti-Snooki and Anti-Purposer Alliances, THERE HAS FINALLY BEEN A
RESOLUTION. With a help of a few friends, I was able to get the Pico ID
of the creator of the Anti-Purposer Alliance. Figures, he is my
sister's friend in real life...I went through so much trouble to try to
talk to him when I could have just asked my sister...just wow.
Anyways, after a few letters with the creator of the blog, Bacon, he has decided that he has changed his mind, and feels bad for coining the term, "purposer". For the full apology, go to this link:
Basically, what he says is that we shouldn't be judged on how we look, and that we should be allowed to look however we want to, which is what I've been saying all along. He also mentions Pico Forever in that post :D
The only reason why Bacon ever created the blog and the term "purposer" was because he was mad at the creator of the "Anti-Snooki Alliance" blog. He wanted revenge. I understand that he was mad, because I would be too. It's not fair that we're all hated because of the way we look. Most of the Picos from each "side" never did anything to each other, yet, we decided to fight. We were trying to defend ourselves, but from what? Most of us didn't even know what we were fighting about.
So now that everything is settled, we can all go along with our lives, and forget about the term "purposer" and try to forget the term "snooki" also, but it'll be difficult since "snooki" has been around for a while. Please spread the word around about the end of the Anti-Purpose Alliance. I just want every Pico to be able to enjoy their Pico lives without being hated on or bashed on because of how we look. Remember people, this is just a virtual game, with pixelated avatars that almost always don't even resemble how we look like in real life.
Anyways, after a few letters with the creator of the blog, Bacon, he has decided that he has changed his mind, and feels bad for coining the term, "purposer". For the full apology, go to this link:
Basically, what he says is that we shouldn't be judged on how we look, and that we should be allowed to look however we want to, which is what I've been saying all along. He also mentions Pico Forever in that post :D
The only reason why Bacon ever created the blog and the term "purposer" was because he was mad at the creator of the "Anti-Snooki Alliance" blog. He wanted revenge. I understand that he was mad, because I would be too. It's not fair that we're all hated because of the way we look. Most of the Picos from each "side" never did anything to each other, yet, we decided to fight. We were trying to defend ourselves, but from what? Most of us didn't even know what we were fighting about.
So now that everything is settled, we can all go along with our lives, and forget about the term "purposer" and try to forget the term "snooki" also, but it'll be difficult since "snooki" has been around for a while. Please spread the word around about the end of the Anti-Purpose Alliance. I just want every Pico to be able to enjoy their Pico lives without being hated on or bashed on because of how we look. Remember people, this is just a virtual game, with pixelated avatars that almost always don't even resemble how we look like in real life.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Happy Memorial Day!
Sadly, there wasn't any park for Memorial Day. Do people even care about it?
Anyways, I'm so excited for Memorial Day! I hang out with family and friends, and my Grandpa was in World War II. So cool! He's still alive too! Take your time today and pray for those who died in the war, and be grateful for the ones who are still alive!

Sunday, May 27, 2012
Memorial Day
I know tomorrow is Memorial Day, but I won't be able to come on
Pico tomorrow since I'll be out all day celebrating my father's
birthday. Anyways, I just wanted to send a message to all the Picos out
there, reading this post right now, that you should all take a minute
or less to pray for the soldiers that have fought for our country
(United States of America. Sorry for the other countries >.<).
Show some consideration for these soldiers and heroes by visiting a
memorial site, or dress in red, white and blue, or a simple prayer. We
should all be very thankful for the heroes that fought for our freedom.
Without these brave soldiers, we may have never experienced the
freedoms and liberties we have today, and believe it or not, some of us
may not have even been born. So I only ask that everyone shows some
consideration for these fighters.
I decided to make a little memorial shrine in my own room, and wear red, white, and blue as a sign of appreciation for these soldiers.
I know that Pico is an international world-wide game, but it would be very appreciated if Pico made a Memorial Day Park <3
I decided to make a little memorial shrine in my own room, and wear red, white, and blue as a sign of appreciation for these soldiers.
I know that Pico is an international world-wide game, but it would be very appreciated if Pico made a Memorial Day Park <3
Fashion doesn't label!
Me and Loofah are having a hard time coping with people labeling each other on pico. FASHION DOES SHOULD NOT LABEL YOU.
A lot of you label people with "snooki" or "newbs". It's not funny. We were all newbs at one time, so nobody has ANY room to talk. There's even a new one "purposer" which is completely outrageous. We need to put a stop to labeling. I'll show you some of the aspects of a snooki, a newb, and a purposer.
A snooki is what people would call a slut, whore, annoying. But yet, they are still people.
Also, "snooki's" tend to have tan skin, the small plump nose, and the same, slim mouth.
Next we have a "newb." Newb is the nicest term to call them. "Noob" is an insult, it doesn't refer to being new to something, they are people too.
And last but not least, we have a purposer. A purposer is what they so call "a person with fish lips, cat mouth, and try to look ugly." Whoever made up purposer is extremely rude. They are people too.
A lot of you label people with "snooki" or "newbs". It's not funny. We were all newbs at one time, so nobody has ANY room to talk. There's even a new one "purposer" which is completely outrageous. We need to put a stop to labeling. I'll show you some of the aspects of a snooki, a newb, and a purposer.
A snooki is what people would call a slut, whore, annoying. But yet, they are still people.
Also, "snooki's" tend to have tan skin, the small plump nose, and the same, slim mouth.
Next we have a "newb." Newb is the nicest term to call them. "Noob" is an insult, it doesn't refer to being new to something, they are people too.
And last but not least, we have a purposer. A purposer is what they so call "a person with fish lips, cat mouth, and try to look ugly." Whoever made up purposer is extremely rude. They are people too.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Prom's New Wigs and Actions
This year's prom is a total disappointment. Last year's was really nice because they brought back some stuff from the previous year. This year's dresses look awful.
Then there are the wigs...
Then there are the new actions that shouldn't even be considered a dance.
Pico really needs to improve and create better clothing and actions. And remember Pico, NOT EVERYBODY HAS AMEBA GOLD. Create some Gummie dresses or accessories so that everyone can dress pretty and enjoy prom without having to waste time earning Ameba Gold or waste money to buy Ameba Gold.
*Since I have a girl Pico, all the clothing and wigs are only for females. I'm not sure what the males have so I can't judge those.*
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The Moody Dress makes our Picos' bodies look strangely longer. |
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The Colorful Dress looks like one of those fancy Hispanic dresses you wear during festivals. |
Then there are the wigs...
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The ponytail itself is cute, but the lack of bangs make our Picos' foreheads look extremely large. |
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This wig is cute, but it looks more like a boy's wig, and it kind of reminds me of Justin Bieber's hair o.o |
Then there are the new actions that shouldn't even be considered a dance.
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In what world is this a dance? The Double Hand Dance is the exact same thing except with another hand. |
Pico really needs to improve and create better clothing and actions. And remember Pico, NOT EVERYBODY HAS AMEBA GOLD. Create some Gummie dresses or accessories so that everyone can dress pretty and enjoy prom without having to waste time earning Ameba Gold or waste money to buy Ameba Gold.
*Since I have a girl Pico, all the clothing and wigs are only for females. I'm not sure what the males have so I can't judge those.*
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Pico Photo Contest
So I rarely ever enter these photo contests, because they're almost
impossible to actually have a chance at winning, especially since so
many others are participating too. Since it was prom, and I have a Pico
boyfriend, I thought, why not enter this photo contest? At first, I
was going to take a photo of myself saying, "Who needs a date to have to
go to prom?", but then the rules said that the photo had to include a
couple/pair in it. Luckily, my boyfriend came on today, so I was able
to take the picture.
Please go to this link:!/photo.php?fbid=466275343397869&set=oa.293110984117275&type=1&theater and like the photo. I will be forever grateful for all the readers of Pico Passion for Fashion for helping<3
Please go to this link:!/photo.php?fbid=466275343397869&set=oa.293110984117275&type=1&theater and like the photo. I will be forever grateful for all the readers of Pico Passion for Fashion for helping<3
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Time for school!
Have you ever had the problem of waking up in the morning, not knowing what to wear? Haven't we all! I'm here to help you with those problems and to make sure your outfit is the best of all!
A very generous pico, known by "takiwaki", has volunteered to aid me with this article. She had very nice ideas on what to wear to school!
A very generous pico, known by "takiwaki", has volunteered to aid me with this article. She had very nice ideas on what to wear to school!
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This is a modern style outfit that you can add more accessories to if you'd like! | Flats or heels would go perfect with it. |
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This is a perfect outfit for a rainy day! Very stylish as well. |
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This is more of a complex look with the flowered dress, the bow, and the flats with pink socks. |
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